Ready to sign up?

Get it done in 3 easy steps and you're on way to an UNbelievable summer.


Fill out the application below. (Mom and Dad, this is your daughter's job)


Submit and pay your $50 application fee


Get ready for a life-changing summer with your new best friends from around the world. 


  • If you need a scholarship, make sure to check that off on your application, then watch your inbox for instructions.
  • Make sure you know the name, email and number of the person who's going to write your recommendation. That can be a teacher, mentor, employer, counselor or anyone who knows you well.
  • Have a credit card ready to pay the application fee after you click Submit.

Please do not book your ticket until you get your acceptance email from us.

If you have questions or need help, we'd love to talk! Call us at 718-604-0088 or email teens @jewishuncamp. org.

Jewish UnCamp Summer Application

Identity check

Please enter your email and password to resume this form.

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